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Relationships with
Celebrities & The Famous

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Welcom to the relationships library of the famed. If it's your first visit, please read to your right about the library and its uses.

Use the search box on your right to track a specific person.

Names added in the last few days may not show up in the search, but they are listed in the panel to the left.

If anyone is still missing:), feel free to add him (or her) here?

In any case, don't miss out on visiting the forums, which address different aspects of fame and relationships.

Celebrities and famous people whose zodiac sign is Aries  Celebrities and famous people whose zodiac sign is Taurus  Celebrities and famous people whose zodiac sign is Gemini

Celebrities and famous people whose zodiac sign is Cancer  Celebrities and famous people whose zodiac sign is Leo  Celebrities and famous people whose zodiac sign is Virgo

Celebrities and famous people whose zodiac sign is Libra  Celebrities and famous people whose zodiac sign is Scorpio  Celebrities and famous people whose zodiac sign is Sagittarius

Celebrities and famous people whose zodiac sign is Capricorn  Celebrities and famous people whose zodiac sign is Aquarius  Celebrities and famous people whose zodiac sign is Pisces

You will find an A to Z index of our database at the very top of each page. Other indices on the site list the celebrities and famous by zodiac sign, year of birth, and many other options to come.

Enjoy your stay and don't forget to suggest any additions or improvements that may brighten up your next visit.

The Relationships with The Famous database contains 3,673 celebrities and famous people, and 8,435 reports about their relationships. Consult it to:

  • Learn all about how your favorite celebrities handle their relationships and other aspects of their lives and what makes them tick.
  • Build trust in the Relationships Analyst tool by comparing the qualities of famous relationships depicted in the reports with actual life stories.
  • Analyze your relationships with your favorite celebrities and find out what types of relationships work best between you.

Other points of interest:

  • Forums dedicated to the famed and their relationships where you can actively influence who is in the database, and so much more.
  • The Relationships Analyst. Once you grow to trust its accuracy (as millions of others have), you can order as many reports as you wish between you and friends, associates, and even family members. Moreover, there is no better decision-making tool when it comes to making personal or business choices for a successful future.

There are many more resources at your service. Just check the menu options at the top.

Each profile was gleaned from the person's Astrological natal chart and Astro Profile. Astro Profile is our professional, yet jargon-free, astrological report that takes into account many celestial aspects that most other reports on the market disregard. Many perceive Astro Profile as a stepping stone to better understanding ourselves and our relationships.


Top Synergy reveals the methods and means that have led to the development of the popular Relationships Analyst.
While some aspects are more suited to experienced astrologers, you will find a lot of fascinating topics that may sway you from any conservative views you may have about relationships.
Find out why Astro Profile has become such an important self-improvement tool.

And now, you can also get your own report, just like the ones we prepared for all the famous people on our database.
You are not alone! Read about the challenges that others face in their relationships and share your own experiences.

There are also many other interesting forums just waiting for you to discover.
With thousands of famous relationships and their Astro Profiles, you can analyze your relationships with your mentors and favorites and find out what types of relationships work best for you .

You can also learn in great detail how they handle their relationships and other aspects of their lives, and what makes them tick.
A knowledgebase about common topics is growing thanks to your inquiries and in-depth exploration of the workings of the Relationships Analyst.

Enjoy your reading and help to further boost the FAQ section by posting your questions and comments.
Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.

This ancient saying is also true when it comes to our love-, business-, and other relationships.

This is why we are here; to make the most of ourselves, a courageous choice that enhances all aspects of life, relationships included.

So come and join us, your friends who respect your imperfections, love your resolute, and embrace you for the wholesome being that you are!
Top Synergy's popular Relationships Analyst calculates the intensity of the commitment, intimacy, passion, and synergy in your relationships.

With this free yet powerful tool, you will also understand what types of relationships are most likely to work for you and your partner.

The report also features your RQ (Relationship Quotient) score for the most common types of relationships, such as love, business, friendship, intellectual, sensual, etc.
Enjoy practical articles about building and enhancing relationships, improving our self-awareness, and other interesting topics.

Dr. Brenda Shoshanna - our anchor author and a world-renowned relationships psychologist - offers you the benefit of her vast professional experience.

We seek more articles about more topics by more authors. Are you the one or know of any?
Here you will find up-to-date news from around the world about relationships.
Hundreds of hand-picked links are neatly organized by categories such as: dating, relationship support, sensual relationships, self improvement, and more.

There is a special section dedicated to relationships in the new age: astrology, psychic, tarot, dreams, spells, etc.